How black tomatoes can elevate your main dishes, from pasta creations to risottos and vegetarian delights.

Drink to the Main Courses section of Sam Black Tomatoes Garden! Then, you will explore how black tomatoes can elevate your main dishes, from pasta creations to risottos and submissive delights. Our fashions punctuate the deep, rich flavors of black tomatoes, transubstantiating everyday refections into epicure gests .

Black Tomato Basil Pasta


- 400g spaghetti or your favorite pasta

- 5- 6 black tomatoes, diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

-1/4 mug redundant abecedarian olive oil painting

-Fresh basil leaves, diced

- swab and pepper to taste

- Parmesan rubbish, grated


1. Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Drain and set away.

2. In a large skillet, toast the olive oil painting over medium heat. Add the diced garlic and sauté until ambrosial.

3. Add the diced black tomatoes to the skillet and cook until they start to break down, about 5- 7 twinkles.

4. Add the cooked pasta to the skillet and toss to combine.

5. Stir in the diced basil leaves and season with swab and pepper.

6. Serve outgunned with grated Parmesan rubbish.

Black Tomato and Mushroom Risotto


- 1 mug Arborio rice

- 5- 6 black tomatoes, minced

- 1 onion, finely diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

- 200g mushrooms, sliced

- 4 mugs vegetable broth

-1/2 mug white wine( voluntary)

-1/4 mug Parmesan rubbish, grated

- 2 tbsp adulation

-Fresh parsley, diced

- swab and pepper to taste


1. In a large visage, melt the adulation over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

2. Add the mushrooms and cook until they release their humidity and start to brown.

3. Stir in the Arborio rice and cook for 2- 3 twinkles, until the rice is smoothly heated.

4. Add the white wine( if using) and cook until absorbed.

5. Gradationally add the vegetable broth, one mug at a time, stirring constantly until the liquid is absorbed before adding further.

6. When the rice is nearly cooked, stir in the minced black tomatoes and continue to cook until the rice is tender and delicate.

7. Stir in the grated Parmesan rubbish and season with swab and pepper.

8. Garnish with diced parsley and serve.

Black Tomato Stuffed Bell Peppers


- 4 bell peppers, halved and planted

- 5- 6 black tomatoes, minced

- 1 mug cooked quinoa or rice

- 1 can black sap, drained and irrigated

- 1 onion, finely diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

- 1 tsp cumin

- 1 tsp paprika

- swab and pepper to taste

-1/2 mug tattered rubbish( voluntary)

-Fresh cilantro, diced


1. Preheat the roaster to 375 °F( 190 °C).

2. In a large skillet, heat some oil painting over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

3. Add the diced black tomatoes, cooked quinoa or rice, black sap, cumin, and paprika. Stir to combine and cook for a many twinkles until hotted through. Season with swab and pepper.

4. Stuff the bell pepper halves with the tomato and quinoa admixture.

5. Place the stuffed peppers in a baking dish and top with tattered rubbish if asked .

6. Singe for 20- 25 twinkles, until the peppers are tender and the rubbish is melted.

7. Garnish with diced cilantro and serve.

Black Tomato and Spinach Frittata


- 6 large eggs

- 5- 6 black tomatoes, sliced

- 2 mugs fresh spinach

- 1 onion, finely diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

-1/4 mug milk

-1/2 mug feta rubbish, atrophied

- swab and pepper to taste

- 2 tbsp olive oil painting


1. Preheat the roaster to 375 °F( 190 °C).

2. In a large ovenproof skillet, toast the olive oil painting over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

3. Add the fresh spinach and cook until wilted.

4. In a coliseum, whisk together the eggs and milk. Season with swab and pepper.

5. Pour the egg admixture into the skillet and stir to combine with the vegetables.

6. Arrange the sliced black tomatoes on top of the egg admixture and sprinkle with atrophied feta rubbish.

7. Transfer the skillet to the roaster and singe for 20- 25 twinkles, until the frittata is set and golden.

8. Let cool slightly before slicing and serving.

Black Tomato and Eggplant Lasagna


- 1 large eggplant, sliced

- 5- 6 black tomatoes, sliced

- 1 onion, finely diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

- 2 mugs ricotta rubbish

- 1 mug tattered mozzarella rubbish

-1/2 mug grated Parmesan rubbish

- 2 mugs marinara sauce

-Fresh basil leaves

- Olive oil painting

- swab and pepper to taste


1. Preheat the roaster to 375 °F( 190 °C).

2. Arrange the eggplant slices on a baking distance and mizzle with olive oil painting. rally for 15- 20 twinkles until tender.

3. In a large skillet, heat some olive oil painting over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

4. Add the sliced black tomatoes and cook until they start to break down.

5. In a coliseum, mix the ricotta rubbish with swab and pepper.

6. Spread a thin subcaste of marinara sauce on the bottom of a baking dish. Subcaste with roasted eggplant slices, black tomato admixture, ricotta rubbish, and fresh basil leaves.

7. Repeat the layers, ending with a subcaste of marinara sauce.

8. Sprinkle the top with tattered mozzarella and grated Parmesan rubbish.

9. Singe for 25- 30 twinkles until the lasagna is gamesome and golden.

10. Let cool for a many twinkles before serving.

Black Tomato and Chickpea Stew


- 5- 6 black tomatoes, diced

- 1 can chickpeas, drained and irrigated

- 1 onion, finely diced

- 3 cloves garlic, diced

- 2 mugs vegetable broth

- 1 tsp cumin

- 1 tsp coriander

-1/2 tsp smoked paprika

- swab and pepper to taste

-Fresh cilantro, diced

- Olive oil painting


1. In a large pot, heat some olive oil painting over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.

2. Add the diced black tomatoes and cook until they start to break down.

3. Stir in the cumin, coriander, and smoked paprika.

4. Add the chickpeas and vegetable broth. Bring to a poach and cook for 15- 20 twinkles, until the stew thickens slightly.

5. Season with swab and pepper.

6. Garnish with diced cilantro and serve with blunt chuck or over rice.


These main course fashions showcase the versatility and depth of flavor that black tomatoes bring to your refections. From assuring pastas and risottos to hearty submissive dishes, black tomatoes can elevate any dish to a new position of tastiness. Explore these fashions and bring the rich taste of black tomatoes to your table. Enjoy the culinary trip with Sam Black Tomatoes Garden!


Feel free to explore further fashions and gardening tips on our blog. Happy cuisine and gardening!

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