Drink to the Baking & Goodies section of Sam Black Tomatoes Garden! Then, you will uncover the unexpectedly succulent world of black tomato goodies like pies, cocottes, and indeed ice cream. These unique fashions punctuate the versatility and unanticipated agreeableness of black tomatoes, adding a epicure touch to your cate force.

Uncover the surprisingly delicious world of black tomato desserts like pies, tarts, and even ice cream


Black Tomato Pie


- 4- 5 black tomatoes, sliced

- 1 pre-made pie crust

- 1 mug granulated sugar

-1/2 mug brown sugar

-1/4 mug cornstarch

- 1 tsp ground cinnamon

-1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

-1/4 tsp swab

- 1 tbsp bomb juice

- 1 tbsp adulation


1. Preheat the roaster to 375 °F( 190 °C).

2. Place the sliced black tomatoes in a large coliseum.

3. In a separate coliseum, mix the grained sugar, brown sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, and swab.

4. Pour the dry admixture over the tomatoes and gently toss to fleece.

5. Add the bomb juice and mix well.

6. Transfer the tomato admixture into the pie crust, fleck with adulation, and cover with the top crust.

7. Cut gashes in the top crust to allow brume to escape.

8. Singe for 45- 50 twinkles, until the crust is golden brown and the stuffing is gamesome.

9. Let cool before serving. Enjoy warm or at room temperature.

Black Tomato Tart


- 4- 5 black tomatoes, sliced

- 1 distance air confection

-1/2 mug ricotta rubbish

-1/4 mug grated Parmesan rubbish

- 1 clove garlic, diced

-Fresh basil leaves, diced

- swab and pepper to taste

- 1 egg, beaten( for egg marshland)


1. Preheat the roaster to 400 °F( 200 °C).

2. Roll out the air confection on a smoothly floured face and transfer to a baking distance.

3. In a coliseum, combine the ricotta rubbish, Parmesan rubbish, diced garlic, and diced basil.

4. Spread the rubbish admixture over the air confection, leaving a 1- inch border around the edges.

5. Arrange the sliced black tomatoes on top of the rubbish admixture.

6. Season with swab and pepper to taste.

7. Fold the edges of the air confection over the stuffing and encounter with the beaten egg.

8. Singe for 20- 25 twinkles, until the confection is golden and crisp.

9. Let cool slightly before serving. Enjoy as a savory cate or appetizer.

Black Tomato Ice Cream


- 4- 5 black tomatoes, diced

- 1 mug heavy cream

- 1 mug whole milk

-3/4 mug granulated sugar

- 4 egg yolks

- 1 tsp vanilla excerpt

-1/2 mug honey


1. In a medium saucepan, combine the diced black tomatoes, sugar, and honey.

2. Cook over medium heat, stirring sometimes, until the tomatoes break down and the admixture thickens, about 15 twinkles.

3. Remove from heat and let cool.

4. In a separate saucepan, toast the cream and milk over medium heat until just stewing.

5. In a coliseum, whisk the egg thralldom .

6. Gradationally add a scoop of the hot cream admixture to the egg thralldom , whisking constantly to temper the eggs.

7. Pour the tempered egg admixture back into the saucepan with the remaining cream admixture.

8. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the admixture thickens and fleeces the reverse of a ladle.

9. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla excerpt.

10. Strain the custard through a fine- mesh sieve to remove any solids.

11. Mix the custard with the cooled tomato admixture.

12. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.

13. Churn the admixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions.

14. Transfer to a vessel and indurate until establishment.

15. Serve scoops of black tomato ice cream for a unique and stimulating cate .

Black Tomato and Berry Crisp


- 4- 5 black tomatoes, diced

- 1 mug mixed berries( blueberries, snorts, strawberries)

-1/2 mug granulated sugar

- 2 tbsp cornstarch

- 1 tsp bomb juice

- 1 mug rolled oats

-1/2 mug flour

-1/2 mug brown sugar

-1/2 mug adulation, melted

-1/2 tsp cinnamon


1. Preheat the roaster to 350 °F( 175 °C).

2. In a large coliseum, combine the diced black tomatoes, mixed berries, granulated sugar, cornstarch, and bomb juice.

3. Pour the fruit admixture into a baking dish.

4. In a separate coliseum, mix the oats, flour, brown sugar, melted adulation, and cinnamon until crumbly.

5. Sprinkle the oat admixture unevenly over the fruit.

6. Singe for 35- 40 twinkles, until the beating is golden and the stuffing is gamesome.

7. Let cool slightly before serving. Enjoy warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Black Tomato Muffins


- 2 mugs flour

- 1 mug sugar

- 1 tsp baking greasepaint

-1/2 tsp baking soda pop

-1/2 tsp swab

- 1 mug black tomatoes, pureed

-1/2 mug vegetable oil painting

- 2 eggs

- 1 tsp vanilla excerpt

-1/2 mug diced walnuts( voluntary)


1. Preheat the roaster to 350 °F( 175 °C).

2. Line a muffin drum with paper liners.

3. In a large coliseum, whisk together the flour, sugar, incinerating greasepaint, incinerating soda pop, and swab.

4. In another coliseum, combine the pureed black tomatoes, vegetable oil painting, eggs, and vanilla excerpt.

5. Add the wet constituents to the dry constituents and mix until just combined.

6. Fold in the diced walnuts, if using.

7. Divide the batter unevenly among the muffin mugs.

8. Singe for 20- 25 twinkles, until a toothpick fitted into the center comes out clean.

9. Let cool in the visage for 5 twinkles, also transfer to a line rack to cool fully.

10. Enjoy these wettish and scrumptious black tomato muffins as a unique cate or snack.


These baking and cate fashions showcase the sweet and savory versatility of black tomatoes. From pies and cocottes to ice cream and muffins, these unique fashions will delight your taste kids and impress your guests. Dive into the world of black tomato goodies and discover new pets at Sam Black Tomatoes Garden!


Feel free to explore further fashions and gardening tips on our blog. Happy baking and gardening!

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